Industrial Affiliates Conference 2015

―2015 Conference Program―
9:00am Welcome & Opening Remarks: Trevor Hastie
Session 1: Art Owen
9:10am Chaojun Wang, 4th-year doctoral student: "Settlement Fails, Liquidity Race and Security Lending"
9:35am Su Chen, Jeremy Shen, Two Sigma Investments
10:00am Xiaoying Tian, 3rd-year doctoral student: "Selective Inference with Unknown Noise via Square-Root Lasso"
10:25am Morning Break
Session 2: Guenther Walther
10:45am Eric Colson, Brad Klingenberg, Stitch Fix
11:10am Charles Yang Zheng, 3rd-year doctoral student: "Human Brain Mapping via MRI"
11:35am Jean Bolot, Technicolor
12:00pm Lunch
Session 3: John Chambers
1:00pm Hera He, 4th-year doctoral student: "Optimal Mixture Weights in Multiple Importance Sampling"
1:25pm Carrie Grimes, Google
1:50pm Kinjal Basu, 3rd-year doctoral student: "Quasi-Monte Carlo on Simplices"
2:15pm Sid Dalal, AIG
2:40pm Afternoon Break
Session 4: Jacqueline Meulman
3:05pm Yuval Peres, Harold Javid, Parikshit Gopalan, Lihong Li, Microsoft
3:30pm Murat Erdogdu, 4th-year doctoral student: "Privacy-Utility Trade Off Under Continual Observation"
3:55pm Lee Wilkinson, Tableau
4:20pm Closing Remarks: Trevor Hastie