Industrial Affiliates Conference 2016

―2016 Conference Program―
9:00am Welcome & Opening Remarks: Guenther Walther
Session I: Guenther Walther
9:10am Neil Bartlett, Mark Engel, Michael Friedman, Scotiabank
9:35am Lucas Janson, 4th-year doctoral student: "Prediction Robustness: Accurate Prediction with Corrupted Features"
10:00am Sid Dalal, AIG
10:25am Morning Break
Session II: Jacqueline Meulman
10:50am Ken Baron, Su Chen, Two Sigma Investments
11:15am Weijie Su, 5th-year doctoral student: "Differentially Private Algorithms for Controlling the False Discovery Rate"
11:40am Brad Betts, Pierre Demartines, BlackRock
12:05pm Justin Dyer, Donal McMahon, Google
12:30pm Lunch
Session III: Trevor Hastie
1:15pm Trina Chiasson, Tableau Software
1:40pm Snigdha Panigrahi, 3rd-year doctoral student: "Building User Personas for VoD Services Based on Psychographic Segmentation"
2:05pm Weicong Ding, Technicolor
2:30pm Subhabrata Sen, 3rd-year doctoral student: "Semidefinite Programs on Sparse Random Graphs"
2:55pm Afternoon Break
Session IV: Art Owen
3:20pm Yuval Peres, Microsoft
3:45pm Ruojun Huang, 4th-year doctoral student: "Time-Varying Conductance Model"
4:10pm Eli Bressert, Brad Klingenberg, Katherine Livins, Chris Moody, Tim Sweetser, Stitch Fix
4:35pm Closing Remarks: John Chambers