The annual useR! conference is the main meeting of the international R user and developer community. This year the conference will be held at Stanford, organized with support from the Department of Statistics and Stanford Libraries. The invited keynote lectures cover a broad spectrum of topics ranging from technical and R-related computing issues to general statistical topics of current interest. The 2016 program highlights Richard Becker, Donald Knuth, Deborah Nolan, Simon Urbanek, Hadley Wickham, and Daniela Witten among the invited speakers.
The user-contributed presentations and posters may be on (virtually) any R-related topic. These presentations are typically organized in sessions of either broad or special interest, which also comprise a "free" discussion format, providing a forum for software demonstrations and expanded community engagement. The duration is between 15 or 20 minutes for the focus and kaleidoscope sessions, and 5 minutes for lightning talks. The conference also incorporates three-hour tutorials on relevant R topics during the first day.