Helen Tombropoulos is Retiring

Wed April 4th 2018, 4:00pm
Faculty Club
a black and white photo of Helen during her first career in diplomatic service

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

After 24 years in the Department of Statistics, Helen Tombropoulos is retiring as of March 22, 2018.  To quote Helen, “I had thought about going to 90 – but since I was told that the Chinese love the number 8 – and since I’ll hit a double 8 in less than a month (88), I’ll prepare my good-bye.” May this symbol of good luck and prosperity be an auspicious start to her retirement!

We are forever thankful to Helen for her many years of dedication and commitment to the department and the MCS program. Helen brought great intelligence, passion, and friendliness to her administrative role. She is a true example of someone who loves their job and cares about those with whom they work. Though Helen is retiring, she is not completely cutting the cord with Statistics. She will work about one to two hours per week helping with the seminar refreshments.

We will have a retirement party on Wednesday, April 4th, from 4–6pm to celebrate Helen and thank her. Congratulations to Helen on her well-deserved retirement!