Department News

2018 Department Awards

red and white flowers on display for Commencement

The Statistics Department is pleased to announce the full lineup of dissertation and teaching assistant award winners for this year: congratulations to these graduates for their stellar work!

♦ Theodore W. Anderson Theory of Statistics Dissertation Award to Cyrus DiCiccio for systematic, elegant analysis and comparison of methods of data splitting, to validate statistical inferences in hypothesis tests

♦ Jerome H. Friedman Applied Statistics Dissertation Award to Kris Sankaran for development of a variety of important statistical tools for researchers working on human microbial ecology

♦ Probability Dissertation Award to Zhou Fan for work on random matrices and community detection algorithms in stochastic models of networks

♦ Ingram Olkin Interdisciplinary Research Dissertation Award to Joey Arthur for innovations in the analysis of complex structural variants from next generation sequence data and associated breakthroughs in statistical modeling, and for the development of software to implement them

♦ Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award to Stephen Bates

♦ Departmental Teaching Assistant Awards to Rina Friedberg, Nikos Ignatiadis and Kenneth Tay