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2022 Statistics Teaching Assistant Awards

Congratulations Class of 2022!

The Departmental Teaching Assistant Awards underscore Stanford's dedication to teaching quality, not only by our faculty but also by our many talented teaching assistants. TAs are graduate students who lead review sessions, grade homework and exams, hold office hours, and in many other ways assist both the professor teaching the course and the students taking it. Some of these individuals make extraordinary contributions, and for that reason the following students were nominated enthusiastically by the faculty, their peers and students for truly notable service this year.

Departmental Teaching Assistant Awards

  • Paula Gablenz
  • Jayoon Jang
  • Harrison Li
  • Swarnadip Ghosh
  • Asher Spector

The sole Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award has been given to Elena Tuzhilina for 2022. Congratulations to our amazing TAs!