New Stein Fellow for 2020
The Statistics Department welcomes Paromita Dubey to our newest Stein Fellow appointment beginning September 1st. Paromita just completed her posting as Postdoctoral Scholar with the Department of Statistics at UC Davis, where she also received her PhD in June 2019. She received a Best Paper Award from the ASA/SF Bay Area Chapter for "Modeling time-varying random objects and dynamic networks", which was presented at JSM 2019. She presented and received another Best Paper Award at JSM 2018 for "Fréchet analysis of variance for random objects", also selected for a Student Paper Award by the International Indian Statistical Association at their conference that same year. Conference and workshop appearances have taken her from London to Vancouver to St. Louis.
Paromita's research interests involve the interface of statistics and metric geometry, developing broadly applicable statistical methods for analyzing metric space-valued data with applications in brain imaging studies and child neurological development. Her ongoing research topics include inference in regression models with non-Euclidean data and longitudinal networks.