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Trevor J. Hastie
John A. Overdeck Professor of Mathematical Sciences
Professor of Statistics
Professor of Biomedical Data Science
Joint Appointment or Affiliation:
Data Science
Trevor Hastie's main research contributions have been in the field of applied nonparametric regression and classification, and he has written two books in this area: "Generalized Additive Models" (with R. Tibshirani, Chapman and Hall, 1991), and "Elements of Statistical Learning" (with R. Tibshirani and J. Friedman, Springer 2001). He has also made contributions in statistical computing, co-editing (with J. Chambers) a large software library on modeling tools in the S-plus language ("Statistical Models in S", Wadsworth, 1992).
Current research focuses on applied problems in biology and genomics, medicine and industry, in particular data mining, prediction and classification problems.
Graduation Year
Dissertation Title
Principal Curves and Surfaces
Advisor Name
Committee Names
Friedman, Efron
Related News
The Statistical Learning and Data Science Section of the American Statistical Association has selected Trevor for their award named in honor of Professor Leo Breiman. Breiman's work helped to bridge the gap between statistics and computer science, particularly in the field of machine learning.
The Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Bologna has announced that Trevor has been awarded the Sigillum Magnum, the highest award given by the university. U Bologna was founded in 1088 and is the oldest academic institution in Europe.
Research Interests
Research Area(s)