Technical Reports

If you find an error among these records, or have information regarding any of our missing reports, please stat-techreports [at] (send a message to the Technical Reports Archive).

Abbreviations Used

AFO Air Force Office of Scientific Research ● ARO Army Research Office ● BIO Stanford HRP Biostatistics Division ● FHA Federal Highway Administration ● GEN General Department Series ● LCS Stanford Laboratory for Computational Statistics ● NIH National Institutes of Health ● NSF National Science Foundation ● NSA National Security Agency ● ONR Office of Naval Research ● PHS Public Health Service ● SIMS SIAM Institute for Mathematics and Society

Report # (Alternate #)
Title and Author(s)


Compressed Sensing over l_p-balls: Minimax Mean Square Error D. Donoho, I. Johnstone, A. Maleki, A. Montanari

Apr 2011


Consonance and the Closure Method in Multiple Testing J.P. Romano, A.M. Shaikh, M. Wolf

Feb 2011


Dec 2010


New Inputs and Methods for Markov Chain Quasi-Monte Carlo S. Chen, M. Matsumoto, T. Nishimura, A.B. Owen

Dec 2010


Nov 2010


Nov 2010


Piecing Together the Past: Statistical Insights into Paleoclimatic Reconstructions M. Tingley, P.F. Craigmile, M. Haran, B. Li, E. Mannshardt-Shamseldin, B. Rajaratnam

Sep 2010

General Copyright Policy

Copyright is the ownership and control of the intellectual property in original works of authorship which are subject to copyright law. It is the policy of Stanford University that all rights in copyright shall remain with the creator unless the work is a work-for-hire (and copyright lawfully vests in the university), is supported by a direct allocation of funds through the university for the pursuit of a specific project, is commissioned by the university, makes significant use of university resources or personnel, or is otherwise subject to contractual obligations.