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Symposium on Theoretical Statistics, Applied Statistics and Probability in Celebration of Tze Leung Lai

Fri November 17th 2023, All day
Fisher Conference Center in the Frances Arrillaga Alumni Center
Event Sponsor
Stanford Statistics gratefully acknowledges support from our co-sponsor, Two Sigma Investments.
Lai QT Front Cover
Two Sigma wordmark
Stanford Statistics wordmark on Cardinal red


Sincere thanks to these distinguished speakers and all our guests for coming together at this special event honoring our colleague, mentor and friend, Professor Tze Lai.

Call for Papers: Upcoming Special Memorial Issues

Symposium Schedule of Events

0855Welcome from David Siegmund, Stanford University
0900Cun-Hui Zhang, Rutgers University
0930Yuguo Chen, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
1000Morning Break
1030Alexander G. Tartakovsky, AGT StatConsult, Los Angeles
1100Victor de la Pena, Columbia University
1130Yao Xie, Georgia Tech
1200Lunch and Group Photo
1330Haipeng Xing, Stony Brook University
1400Mei-Chiung Shih, Ying Lu, and Lu Tian, Stanford University
1430Qi-Man Shao, SUSTech, Shenzhen
1500Afternoon Break
1530Dylan Small, University of Pennsylvania
1600Hock-Peng Chan, National University of Singapore
1630Open Forum to share our stories of Tze

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