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Coterm Application Requirements

The following pertains to current Stanford undergraduate students only.

The Coterminal program allows matriculated Stanford undergraduates to study for a master of science degree while completing their undergraduate degree(s) concurrently. Detailed information regarding the policies and procedures of coterminal degrees can be found in the GAP handbook.

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure he or she meets all eligibility requirements before applying. All application materials, including supporting documents, must be submitted by the application deadline.

The application consists of 9 pages. The online system will allow you to save throughout the application process.

To be eligible for admission to a coterminal program at Stanford, you must be a current undergraduate student at Stanford and meet the following minimum requirements:

  • A minimum of one quarter overlap between your undergraduate and graduate programs. This means that there must be at least one quarter where both your undergraduate and graduate careers are active. If this is not possible, you should either:
    • Postpone conferral of your undergraduate degree until after your coterm graduate program is matriculated/activated, or
    • Apply via the external graduate admissions process. Please note that if you apply through this route, you are considered an external graduate applicant, not a coterm applicant. As such, coterm policies would not apply (you would not be able to transfer courses between your undergraduate and graduate careers), and you may be required to submit additional materials for the external graduate admissions process, such as GRE scores.
  • Completion of 120 units towards graduation (by the intended entry term) as shown on the undergraduate transcript, including credit earned from transfer credit, Advanced Placement exams, and other external test credit.
  • Completion of six non-Summer quarters at Stanford (by the intended entry term). If you are a transfer student, the minimum requirement is two non-Summer quarters at Stanford.
  • Declaration of an undergraduate major.
  • You may apply to one coterm program at a time, and may not apply to another coterm program until the admissions process for the initial application has been completed, including your response to the offer of admission (if admitted). Departments may adopt local policies that are more restrictive.

Be sure to check the website of your intended coterm program for any program-specific eligibility requirements.


  • Coterm Application Fee: Students who accept an offer of admission and are matriculated into the program are assessed a $125 coterm application fee.
  • Applicants must submit their application and, if admitted, respond to the offer of admission no later than the last day of classes in the quarter prior to the expected completion of their undergraduate degree. This is normally the Winter Quarter prior to Spring Quarter graduation.
  • Courses may not be transferred between undergraduate and graduate careers once the undergraduate degree is conferred. Conferral of each degree is applied for separately by the deadlines given in the Academic Calendar web site. The master's degree must be conferred simultaneously with, or after, the bachelor's degree.
  • The bachelor’s degree must be conferred before a student may apply to an additional advanced degree program (GAP 4.2.1). 
  • Quarters Back rule:
    • Courses taken during or after the first quarter of the sophomore year are eligible for consideration for transfer to the graduate career; the timing of the first graduate quarter is not a factor.
    • Course transfers are not possible after the bachelor’s degree has been conferred. The program's coterm quarters back policy is stated in the relevant department or program section of the Bulletin.
    • No student may count a course taken earlier than the first/Autumn quarter of sophomore year.

Application Outline

1. Personal Background

Confirmation of coterm eligibility: By checking this box, I am confirming that I meet the University Coterm Eligibility Requirements as stated above and have not applied to another coterm program for this entry term.

[Standard personal information about the applicant]

2. Program Selection
Statistics MS degree

Coterminal program selection is available in September for the 2024-25 academic year.

  • Proposed Master's Program: Statistics
    • Program Display: Statistics MS
  • Term:
    • Winter 2024 - 2025
    • Spring 2024 -2025
    • Autumn 2025-2026
3. Academic History

Student undergrad program information and transcripts

  • Upload unofficial transcript
  • Answer Academic History questions

Do not request an official eTranscript. Your unofficial transcript with current grades will suffice.

Do not request your official paper transcript from the Registrar’s Office.

4. Experience

Upload supporting documents under the categories of:

  • Research experience
  • Publications
  • Awards & Honors
  • Work Experience
  • Resumé/CV
5. Recommendations

Letters of recommendation should come from Stanford faculty who know you well and are qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study.

  • Letters should be from Stanford faculty or academic sources or other individuals who are qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study. Please have your recommender write candidly about your qualifications, potential to carry on advanced study in the field specified, intellectual independence, capacity for analytical thinking, ability to organize and express ideas clearly. In describing such attributes as motivation, intellect, and maturity, specific examples are more useful than generalizations.
  • The applicant must submit the correct contact information for the online system to solicit a letter from each author. Please notify your recommenders that they will receive an email prompt to submit their letter online. Do not wait for all letters of recommendation to be submitted before submitting your application. Letters must be submitted through the online application system only and must be submitted by the application deadline.

Register your recommenders below as soon as possible to ensure their letters are received by the application deadline.

Click "Submit Recommendation Request" as soon as each recommender's information is confirmed.

6. Statements

Statement of Purpose

Describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the proposed program at Stanford, preparation for this field of study, research interests, future career plans, and other aspects of your background and interests that may aid the admission committee in evaluating your aptitude and motivation for graduate study. The recommended length is 1,000 words maximum.

Enrichment statement

Describe how your experiences, perspectives, and/or activities shape you as a scholar. Your statement should not exceed 500 words in length.

Page 7: Program Supplemental

Not applicable

Page 8: Preliminary Program Proposal
Statistics M.S. Program Proposal form
  1. Locate the program form relevant to the academic year which you will begin the MS program
  2. Using the Google Sheet, make a copy to save in your Google Drive.
    • The form should cite any completed or planned graduate courses you plan to use towards the Statistics MS.
    • The form should not include courses that are required by your undergraduate major which you will not the able to transfer to your graduate career.
  3. Upload your exported PDF of this proposal in the application.

Please address questions to Caroline Gates (cgates [at] (cgates[at]stanford[dot]edu)) before finalizing your preliminary program form.

Page 9: Additional Information
Not required

You may use this section to provide additional information that was not covered by the questions in the application. Only one file can be uploaded at a time. To add more, click Continue below, then return to this page to see the option to add another file.

Review & Signature
Agreement to Application Terms


The application will spotlight any fields that require correction or required information that was omitted.

Please check your entire application for accuracy before submission, as changes are not permitted after submission. Submitting your application early does not affect your chances of admission; all applications are reviewed after the deadline.


Your electronic signature represents your agreement to the terms of this application and its instructions, and your confirmation/declaration that all of the information that you have provided in this application is your own work and, to the best of your knowledge, complete and accurate. Your signature also constitutes your agreement to promptly inform Stanford of any change(s) in the facts presented in your application and your consent to Stanford (or its agent) having the right to verify any information presented in or relating to your application.

Be sure to submit your application by 11:59PM (Pacific time) on the day of the deadline. No late submissions will be accepted.