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Seminars & Workshops

Various seminars take place each week during the academic year (and beyond). These events offer faculty members and visitors to the department the opportunity to present their current research work to an appreciative and skeptical audience. All events are in-person and unrecorded, except on rare occasions. Where recordings have been made, access is restricted to university community members only.

Statistics students are strongly encouraged to attend seminars regularly to become acquainted with the broad range of research topics in probability, theory, and methodology, and to taste the excellent cookies which are served before the presentations. PhD candidates are expected to present the results of their thesis research in a Department Seminar.

Send any questions about our events to seminars [at] (subject: Seminars%20inquiry) (seminars[at]stat[dot]stanford[dot]edu). You may also be interested in events presented by the Department of Mathematics, the Data, Society, and Inference Seminar, the ISL Colloquium, and the Information Theory Forum.

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Probability Seminar

Mondays 4pm

Statistics Seminar

Tuesdays 4:30pm

Workshop in Biostatistics

Thursdays 1:30pm