HCP applicant FAQs
Questions that apply to every applicant are on our M.S. Admissions FAQ page.
As stated on the Statistics department admissions webpage, the Statistics Master's degree requirements cannot be completed entirely online. This is NOT an online degree. M.S. students should be aware that they will not be able to take all of the necessary courses online in Statistics.
Attendance in courses offered only on-campus will be necessary to complete this degree. By participating in the HCP program, the student acknowledges that the degree’s curricular requirements are the same.
- Honors Cooperative Student Policy and Procedure is set by SCPD: Masters Application FAQs
- Degree Program policy is determined by the Statistics department: Statistics MS Program
- Graduate Admissions policy is set by the University: Grad Admissions How To Apply
- Bechtel International Center: F-1 student visa enrollment
When is the application period?
The Graduate Admissions Application system (Applyweb) opens in mid-to-late September each year for the following autumn quarter start.
Applications are accepted for matriculation in autumn quarter only.
Please review the University's application requirements before getting started.
Along with the FAQ page, applicants should refer to the Department's outline of the application process.
How do I apply for the Honors Co-op degree program in Statistics?
Applicants must apply through the regular graduate admissions process, and compete with all other applicants for admission to the program. (Application is NOT through SCPD/CGOE.)
Although not required, applicants can indicate their interest in enrolling as an HCP student under the Application Options section within the application. Employer information is not required as part of the admissions application.
If admitted, students arrange their (HCP) part-time status and tuition payment options through the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD).
A student participating in the Honors Cooperative Program is a matriculated student subject to all policies regarding registration and course enrollment.
Are there specific pre-requisite courses required for admission?
No, although we advise prospective applicants to examine the required courses of the Statistics M.S. degree and evaluate which areas of the suggested preparatory subjects they need to learn or re-visit.
In general, advanced undergraduate level courses in linear algebra, statistics/probability and proficiency in programming is highly recommended.
Recommended prerequisites for Statistics
- Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern Applications; Integral Calculus of Several Variables
- Introductory programming (C++ or Python)
- Intermediate statistics: statistical models, such as linear regression, analysis of variance, categorical data analysis, and logistic regression.
- Introductory probability: including probability axioms, conditional probability, independence, random variables.
Recommended prerequisites for Data Science
- Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern Applications.
- Programming Abstraction: Software engineering principles of data abstraction and modularity. Object-oriented programming, fundamental data structures.
- Intermediate statistics: multiple regression and ANOVA, possibly without linear algebra.
Intermediate probability: topics useful for statistical inference. Sampling distributions of sums, means, variances, and order statistics of random variables. Convolutions, moment generating functions, and limit theorems. Probability distributions useful in statistics, Applications to estimation and hypothesis testing.
Can I complete the Master's degree part-time?
SCPD offers what is known as the Honors Cooperative Program (HCP) for students to complete the Statistics Master's degree part-time (minimum 3 units per quarter; majority of courses are offered for 3 units; see Stanford Online coursework for graduate education).
Admitted (Stats MS) applicants can enroll as an HCP student, which allows a student to finish the degree within 5 years (read the policy at GAP 5.2). This does not equate to an online degree program as the majority of required courses are offered on-campus only.
HCP students are admitted and graded based on the same standards as full-time Stanford students and have full student privileges, rights and responsibilities. Access to online graduate courses is only granted through the end of the academic quarter in which you are enrolled.
In the event that courses are not available online, HCP students may attend courses on Stanford’s campus. Further details about the Honors Cooperative program are online.
Is the Data Science track offered as a part-time degree (HCP)?
No; the Statistics Data Science track is not offered as a part-time degree (HCP). Only the Statistics Master's degree is offered as an HCP degree.
What is the average course load for HCP students?
HCP students typically enroll in one (at most two classes) per quarter (must be enrolled in a minimum of 3 units). Summer quarter enrollment is optional.
What are the graduate tuition costs for the M.S. program? Is financial assistance available to HCP students?
Tuition and fees are listed on the SCPD website under "Graduate Course Tuition - Master’s Degree Courses." We encourage you to check with your employer to see if you qualify for tuition reimbursement from your company.
Are part-time students eligible for assistantships?
Part-time students who are working full-time are NOT eligible for assistantship positions. We encourage you to check with your employer to see if you qualify for tuition reimbursement from your company.
Will you accept letters of recommendation from industry?
Yes; however, we recommend that you submit no more than one professional reference (academic references are strongly preferred). It is ultimately your decision as to which references will best support your application. Your application will still be reviewed regardless of where your letters of recommendation come from.
May I change my status from part-time to full-time study?
Requests to transfer from part-time to full-time are reviewed by the department on a case-by-case basis. HCP students seeking to transfer to the full-time on-campus program, and full-time students seeking to transfer to the part-time HCP program, must submit a student transfer request at least 3 weeks before the beginning of the quarter.
Please note the following limitations:
- Students can make a maximum of two (2) transfers during the program, e.g., transfer from part-time to full-time (1) and back to part-time (2).
- Students may not transfer to full-time status for the final quarter of their degree program.
You will need to submit a Student Transfer Request Form to SCPD; they will route the form to the Statistics Department for approval. You will receive a formal notice from the SCPD office when a decision has been made.
May I attend classes on campus, even if they are offered online?
Yes. HCP students may choose the course delivery option that works best for them.
How many Non-Degree Option (NDO) units may count toward the MS degree?
Nonmatriculated students who later apply for admission to a degree program must meet the standard admission requirements and should not anticipate special priority because of work completed as a nonmatriculated student. Students who are admitted to a degree program may apply a maximum of 18 units (via SCPD) study toward the residency requirement for a master’s degree and 30 units for the Engineer or Ph.D. degree, subject to the approval of the degree-granting department.
Professional Certificate courses cannot be transferred to academic programs as these are non-credit bearing courses.
- Academic Policies: Nonmatriculated Graduate Students
- Admission and Financial Aid: Nonmatriculated Study
NDO students can apply up to 18 units of earned credit from non-matriculated (graduate certificate) work towards a graduate degree program.
Non-matriculated students (i.e., any other non NDO, non-matric type) can use up to 15 units of non-matriculated work towards a master’s degree, and up to 30 units of non-matriculated work towards an ENG or PhD degree.
How many classes do I need to take that are on-campus only?
The majority of required courses are not offered online and therefore HCP students must be able to attend classes on-campus. Students should be aware that most courses are offered only once a year and that prerequisites for those courses may not always be offered in sequence. Online courses are typically only offered during summer quarter.
Many of the courses offered online by other departments may serve as electives, but do not replace the required coursework taught by the Statistics department.
Do HCP students receive the same MS degree as full-time students?
Yes, HCP students are granted the same privileges, rights, and responsibilities and receive the same degree as full-time students. There is no HCP designation on the diploma or transcript.
Will my diploma say something different if I complete the degree as an HCP student?
No. Master's degree diploma is exactly the same, no matter how you complete the degree.
Am I eligible for HCP as an international student on the F-1 visa?
International Student Visa Status
If you are not a US citizen you must have a current US legal status document with an expiration date that covers the duration of enrollment to participate in the Honors Cooperative Program (HCP). Required documentation includes: Permanent Resident Card, Notice of Action, US visa stamp or an official US document specifying your status.
As a part-time master’s student, you are required to submit a copy of your updated US legal residency documentation to the Graduate Admissions Office.
Can a person on an H-1B visa switch to the F-1 (student) visa while completing the degree as an HCP student?
No. A person on the H-1B visa is allowed to work in the U.S. and with the sponsorship of their employer to pursue a degree (part-time).
If a non-immigrant visa holder must switch to an F-1 student visa, they must enroll as a full-time student; that person is then ineligible to participate as an HCP student (part-time).