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Bradley Efron

Professor Emeritus of Statistics
Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Data Science
Professor Emeritus
Bradley Efron

I like working on applied and theoretical problems at the same time and one thing nice about statistics is that you can be useful in a wide variety of areas. So my current applications include biostatistics and also astrophysical applications. The surprising thing is that the methods used are similar in both areas. I recently gave a talk at Penn State called "Astrophysics and Biostatistics: The Odd Couple" that made this point.


Graduation Year
Dissertation Title
Problems in Probability of a Geometric Nature
Advisor Name
Committee Names
Miller, Solomon

Related News

The International Statistical Institute in partnership with ASA, IBS, IMS, and RSS in the International Prize in Statistics Foundation have selected Efron as the second winner of this distinction–the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in the field of statistics.
Columbia's five honorary degrees will be conferred at its annual Commencement exercises on May 16, 2018. The full ceremony will be live streamed, rain or shine, with recordings available online afterward.



Research Interests